Tuesday, November 13, 2007

The Strike Is Over!!

Breaking News:

Yes, rejoice! Sing praises! Hallelujah! Breathe a sigh of relief...for we are back online! I know that you were ALL holding your breath and waiting on SDB to get back to business, all while teetering on the edge of your seat, gasping, hoping, praying that we would be back to our regular antics and anecdotes, and of course updating the world of all that is relevant to The (non)Saints.

With that being said, the Hollywood SDB writer strike is now over, now that our Vegas liaison is finally on board! Check out The Boss review below...

(If only the rest of the non-faux Hollywood and Broadway would work as quickly as we do around here...)

Upcoming topics of interest:

Kings of Leon (finally)
Nada Surf (finally, too)

Steve Earle
John Fogerty
The Black Angels
Neil Young
Thurston Moore

American Gangster
Dan in Real Life

Stay tuned, as we're back up and running now here at SDB!!

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